Monday 13 November 2017

Mock Practice CSCS Test 01

Take this CSCS Mock Test Free to get pass in first attempt in real exam. As we provide similar questions.
Answer Mark in Red
To book CSCS Test visit or call 0844 68 20844
Q:1-Why should different types of waste be separated on site?
Mark one answer:

They will take up less room in the skip
So the local council can charge us a fair amount of Landfill Tax
So the client can check what is being thrown away
So it can be recycled more easily

Q:2-Do you have any responsibility for minimising the amount of waste created?
Mark one answer:

Only if asbestos removal is being carried out
Yes, everyone on site has a responsibility to do this
No, it is the responsibility of the Environment Agency
Only during the site clean up at the end of the project

Q:3-You have been asked to clean up oil that has leaked from machinery onto the ground. What is the right way to do this?
Mark one answer:

Put the oily soil into the general waste skip
Put the oily soil into a separate container for collection as hazardous waste
Mix the soil up with other soil so that the oil cannot be seen
Wash the oil away with water and detergent

Q:4-Which of the following is NOT part of sustainable construction?
Mark one answer:

Creating a nuisance to the residents of neighbouring properties
Preventing water and soil pollution
Saving energy
Minimising the amount of waste created in doing a job

Q:5-Which of the following does NOT help sustainability on site?
Mark one answer:

Leaving engines, motors and other power on when not needed
Segregating waste
Lift sharing or using public transport to get to work
Working safely

Q:6-Do you have any responsibility with regard to sustainability on site?
Mark one answer:

No, it is a matter for the site manager
No, it is a matter for the Environment Agency
Only on sites where there are rare species of plants
Yes, on every site that you go on to

Q:7-Who on site needs to understand relevant environmental risks on a construction site?
Mark one answer:

Only the principal contractor
Only the subcontractors
All people working on site
Just the environmental clerk of works

Q:8-What does this sign mean?
emergency spill kit sign
Mark one answer:

The spill kit has been inspected and is OK
Assemble here if there is a spillage
The equipment you need to stop, contain and clean up a spill is located here
A spill happened here and has been cleaned up

Q:9-There has been a spillage of hydraulic oil from plant working near a watercourse. What one action should you NOT do?
Mark one answer:

Notify the site manager
Use detergents to clean up the oil
Contain the spillage
Switch the plant off

Q:10-Which of the following should be classed as hazardous waste?
Mark one answer:

Polythene and shrink wrap
Empty cement bags
Fluorescent light tubes
To book CSCS Test visit or call 0844 68 20844

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CSCS Mock Test For Managers and Professionals 2017 - Full 50 Questions

Today we have created a Full 50 question CSCS Mock Test For Managers and Professionals. If you are looking to obtain the Black CSCS card for managers, then this is the mock test for you. We have created this with questions from real CSCS questions you will get asked when sitting your test. It is an excellent way to see if you are ready to sit the exam.
In this practice test, we have given you example questions from various topics, these include:
  • First aid and Emergency procedures
  • Health and welfare
  • Accident reporting and recording
  • Personal protective equipment
  • General responsibilities.
  • Dust and fumes (Respiratory hazards)
  • Noise and Vibration
  • Hazardous substances
  • Manual Handling
  • Electrical safety, tools and equipment
The CITB health, safety and environment test will consist of 50 questions and to pass you will need to answer 47 correct within the time limit of 45 minutes. The questions are all multiple choice, but some questions will need more than one answer, so please make sure you read the question fully before answering to see if it needs multiple answers.
 Answers Mark in RED
To book cscs test visit or call 0844 682 0844
1. Why is the Health and Safety at Work Act important to everyone at work? Give 2 answers
  • It explains how health and safety is managed on site
  • It explains how to write a risk assessment
  • It requires all employers to provide a safe place to work
  • It sets out how work should be carried out
  • It puts legal duties on workers with regard to their acts or omissions
2. Why should all employees be able to view the company health and safety policy?
  • It tells them how to do their job safely
  • It contains the contents of the risk assessment
  • It tells them how health and safety is managed within the organisation
  • It tells them how to use tools and equipment safely
3. If there is a fatal accident or reportable dangerous occurrence on site, when must the Health and Safety Executive be informed?
  • Immediately
  • Within 5 days
  • Within seven days
  • Within 10 days
4. What happens if a probation notice is issued by the Health and Safety Executive inspector or local authority?
  • Work can continue, as long as risk a assessment is carried out
  • The work that is subject to the notice must stop
  • Work can continue if extra safety precautions are taken
  • The work currently in progress can be completed, but no new work can be started
5. Which of these does not have to be recorded in the accident book?
  • Injured person’s National Insurance number
  • The date and time of the accident
  • Details of the injury
  • The home address of the injured person
6. When must you record an accident in the accident book?
  • If you were injured in any way
  • Only if you have to be off work
  • Only if you have suffered a broken bone
  • Only if you go to hospital
7. If someone is injured at work, who should record it in the accident book?
  • Site manager
  • The injured person or someone acting for them
  • The first aider
  • Someone from the Health and Safety Executive
8. Which of the following statements about recording accidents is true?
  • They must include details of the next of kin
  • It must only be completed by a site manager or supervisor
  • They must comply with the requirements of the data protection act
  • It must only be kept in electronic format
9. What is the most important reason for keeping a working area on a construction site clean and tidy?
  • To prevent slips, trips and Falls
  • So that the workers don’t have to have a big clean up at the end of the week
  • So that Waste skips can be emptied more often
  • To recycle waste and help the environment
10. Why is it important for all workers to attend site induction?
  • Workers will get to know all the new starters
  • Risk assessments will be handed out
  • Specific health and safety rules will be explained
  • Permits to work will be handed out
11. A doctor gives an employee an some medication. What question is important that the employee ask the doctor?
  • Would it make them drowsy or unsafe to work or operate machinery?
  • Will it make them work more slowly?
  • Will they fail a drugs test?
  • Will it cause them to oversleep and be late for work?
12. You can catch an infection called tetanus from contaminated land or water. How does it get into your body?
  • Through your nose when you breathe
  • Through an open Cut on your skin
  • Through your mouth when you eat or drink
  • It doesn’t, it only affects animals and not people
13. Which of the following is most likely to result in those who work with sheet lead having raised levels of lead in the blood?
  • Not using the correct respirator
  • Not washing their hands before eating
  • Not changing out of their work clothes
  • By them not wearing safety goggles
14. You suspect someone has been drinking alcohol or is still over the limit. What should you do?
  • Get them to drink plenty of strong coffee before they go back to work
  • Tell them your concerns and see that they are safely removed from site
  • Ask them to stay away an hour and then go back to work
  • Get them to eat and drink something, wait 30 minutes and then go back to work
15. How do you find out about emergency assembly points?
  • By reading a risk assessment
  • By reading a method statement
  • At the site induction
  • By checking the permit to work
16. How do workers find out what to do if they are injured on site?
  • By asking someone on site
  • By looking for the first aid sign
  • By attending a first aid course
  • It should be included at the site induction
17. How are site based staff and visitors informed of the location of first aid facilities on site?
  • By walk in the site looking for the first aid sign
  • By searching the site office
  • By attending the site induction
  • By reading the Health and Safety law poster
18. How should site visitors be informed of what to do in the event of an on-site emergency?
  • They should study the plans on the wall of the site office
  • They are informed during a site induction
  • They should ask the site manager
  • They should take a look around the site for the emergency assembly point
19. How can you see for yourself that attention has been given to simple emergency procedures on site?
  • Scaffolding has inspection labels fitted
  • The distance between the structure and the assembly point is minimised
  • There are fire points with extinguishers and a means of raising the alarm
  • All electrical appliances have been electrically tested
20. Do those in charge of sites have to provide a first aid box?
  • Yes, every site must have one
  • Only if more than 5 people work on site
  • Only if more than 25 people work on site
  • No, there is no legal duty to provide one
21. While on site you observe that there is a risk of materials flying at speed into workers eyes. What should they be wearing to protect themselves?
  • Impact resistant goggles or full face shield
  • Welding goggles
  • Reading glasses or sunglasses
  • Light eye protection
22. When should eye protection be worn?
  • I’m very bright, sunny days
  • If there is a risk of eye injury and if it is the site rules
  • When it has been included in the bill of quantities
  • Only for work with chemicals
23. When should you wear safety footwear on site?
  • Only when working at ground level or outside
  • Until the site starts to look finished
  • All the time
  • When you’re working all day on site and not just visiting
24. What features should you be looking for when obtaining safety footwear for a site visit?
  • We must be black with a good sole pattern
  • They only need a protective toe cap and thin mid-sole
  • They must have a protective toe cap and mid-sole
  • There must be smooth soled to prevent the transfer of contaminated materials
25. Do all types of gloves protect hands against chemicals?
  • Yes, all gloves are made to the same standard
  • Only if site workers put barrier cream on their hands as well
  • No, different types of gloves protect against different types of hazards
  • Only if they cover their gloves with barrier cream
26. Someone is using a disc cutter to cut concrete blocks. What three immediate hazards are likely to affect you?
  • Flying fragments
  • Dermatitis
  • Harmful Dust In The Air
  • High noise levels
  • Skin cancer
27. Why is it important to be clean-shaven if using a half mask respirator?
  • The filter material will become blocked more quickly
  • You may suffer an allergic reaction to the mask
  • Facial hair can affect the seal around your face
  • You’ll be able to use the same mask for longer
28. Where are workers likely to breathe in the highest quantities of dust when drilling, cutting, sanding or grinding?
  • Outside on a still day
  • Outside on a windy day
  • In a small room
  • In a large indoor space
29. What should you not encourage workers to do when they are sweeping up?
  • Dampen down the area
  • Make sure there is plenty of ventilation
  • wear their protective mask
  • Dry sweep the area quickly
30. What should a worker do if the water they are using to control dust runs out?
  • Put on a respiratory protection
  • Stop and refill the water
  • Ask everyone to clear the area and then carry on
  • Carry on but get someone to sweep up afterwards
31. What is the best way to limit dust exposure when assessing the use of power tools?
  • Stop dust getting into the air
  • Provide adequate ventilation
  • Find a way to do the work quickly to limit dust exposure
  • Only undertake the work during damp or wet weather
32. Can the damage by exposure to noise over a long period of time be reversed?
  • Yes, with time
  • Yes, if you have an operation
  • No, the damage is permanent
  • Yes, if you change jobs
33. How can noise affect someone’s health? Give two examples
  • Headaches
  • Ear infections
  • Permanent hearing loss
  • Waxy ears
  • Dizziness and nausea
34. What is the significance of the weekly or daily personal noise exposure limit value of 87 decibels set out in the control of noise at work regulations?
  • All site personnel and visitors need to be warned if the noise level is being exceeded
  • Hearing protection needs to be provided upon request if the level is likely to be exceeded
  • The principal contractor must make sure everyone carries their hearing protection if this noise level is exceeded
  • Employers must ensure that their personnel are not exposed to noise above his level
35. If you need to wear disposable foam ear plugs how should you insert them so they protect your hearing from damage?
  • Soak them in water, squeeze them out and then insert them into your ear canal
  • Do not roll or fold them, and insert them halfway into your ear canal
  • Roll them up and insert them in as far as you can, while pulling the top of your ear pop to open up the ear canal
  • Fold them in half, pull on your earlobe and wedge them into your ear
36. What is the least reliable source of information when assessing the level of vibration from a powered percussive hand tool?
  • In use vibration measurement of the tool
  • Vibration figures taken from the tool manufacturers handbook
  • The judgement of the site manager based upon observation
  • Migration data from the health and safety executives master list
37. Which one of these is not a primary purpose of the asbestos survey?
  • To provide accurate information on the location, amount and condition of asbestos materials
  • To identify asbestos materials that need to be removed before demolition or refurbishment work
  • To assist in the management of any asbestos in a building
  • To estimate how much it would cost to remove any asbestos
38. What illness might a worker develop if they breathe in asbestos dust?
  • Aching muscles and painful joints
  • Throat infections
  • Lung diseases
  • Dizziness and headaches
39. When visiting site the contractor have said that they have found some asbestos. What is the first thing that should be done?
  • Stop work and get everyone out of the affected area
  • Take a sample to the site manager
  • Put it in the bin and carry on working
  • Find the first aider
40. How should cylinders containing liquefied petroleum gas(LPG) be stored on site?
  • In a locked cellar with clear warning signs
  • In a locked cage at least 3 m from any oxygen cylinders
  • Within a secure storage container at the back of the site
  • Covered in tarpaulin to shield the compressed cylinder from sunlight
41. Apart from the cylinders used in gas-powered forklift trucks, why should you never see liquid petroleum gas (LPG) cylinder placed on their side during use?
  • It would give a faulty reading on the contents gauge, resulting in Flashback
  • It could be drawn into the cylinder, creating a dangerous mixture of gases
  • Liquid gas would be too low a level to allow the torch to burn correctly
  • The liquid gas could be drawn from the cylinder, creating a safety hazard
42. What must all workers do under the regulations for manual handling?
  • Only exceed the ways identified in the risk assessment if they know they are capable of lifting them
  • Make a list of all the heavy things they have to carry
  • Lift any size load they feel comfortable with
  • All of the requirements of their employers safe systems of work
43. If manual lifting activities are part of a task, what must be carried out?
  • The lifting operations must be supervised
  • A risk assessment of the task must be carried out
  • Nothing, as it is part of some work operations to lift loads
  • Make sure someone watches while the load is lifted
44. You are in charge of a group of workers who are about to start on a new site. What could you do to help minimise manual handling?
  • Remind them not to do any manual handling
  • Hire in extra labour to carry the materials and equipment
  • Assess and agree with the site manager how the materials and equipment can be distributed close to the work place
  • Make sure the risk assessment has included your workers
45. Your workforce are lifting loads heavier than those recommended in the risk assessment. What should you do?
  • Find out how much they are lifting and change the risk assessment to this weight
  • Warn them but let them carry on
  • Let them carry on as no injuries have occurred
  • Stop them, find out why, agree a solution and amend risk assessment
46. When should tools and equipment be checked for damage?
  • Before each use
  • Every day
  • Once a week
  • At least once a year
47. What two main areas of Visual inspections should be carried out before each use of a power tool?
  • Check the carry case isn’t broken
  • Check the power lead, plug and casing are in good condition
  • Check the manufacturers label hasn’t come off
  • Check switches, triggers and guards are adjusted and work correctly
  • Check it is marked with a security stamp
48. What must an RCD residual current device used in conjunction with 230v electrical equipment?
  • It lowers the voltage
  • Good quickly cuts off the power if there is a fault
  • It makes the tall run at a safe speed
  • Energy and lowers costs
49. How could a site worker check if the RCD residual current device through which a 230 volt handle is connected to the supply is working correctly?
  • Switch the tool on and off
  • Press the test button on the RCD unit
  • Use a handheld RCD test meter
  • Run the tool at top speed to see if it cuts out
50. What colour should a 110 volt power cable and connector be?
  • Black
  • Red
  • Blue
  • Yellow
Congratulations you have completed your test
To book the test call 0844 682 0844 or visit 

CSCS Health and Safety Regulations

Construction workers and employers are both legally required to meet specific responsibilities in regards to health and safety while working on the job site. The CSCS is the test used for the United Kingdom construction industry in order to prove a specific worker has the knowledge needed to carry out their job safely. The following information is to inform you about specific health and safety regulations pertaining to the job site.


United Kingdom’s construction industry includes numerous trades. Because of this, construction work is the largest employer in the country. However, construction work is also one of the most dangerous jobs; which has led to the regulation of the construction industry by numerous different bodies. The legal regulation of the industry generally falls under the government, which enshrined all health and safety legal requirements for construction in the Building Act of 1984. However, in the past 15 years, there have been numerous self-regulating bodies added who aim to improve levels of skill and increase health and safety.
The Construction Skills Certification Scheme, or CSCS, is by far the largest regulating body in the United Kingdom Construction industry. It is almost impossible to find work on any construction site unless you have a CSCS card proving you have passed the CSCS test for health and safety and obtained the Construction NVQ level matching both your trade and position. Most United Kingdom construction sites and contractors alike require that every employee possesses the CSCS Card, or equivalent, relevant to their skills and trade before they can begin working onsite.
The CSCS cards board is made up of both existing trade and industry bodies. These bodies are fully committed to providing ongoing service improvement and increasing the health and safety of the work environments. The CSCS cards board is made up of numerous member organisations, and each organisation is responsible for its own remit. The fact that the CSCS cards board has so many member organisations proves that raised standards of measurable health and safety skills for any individual involved in the construction industry is extremely important.
There are other organisations within the industry that are dedicated to providing a building that is cleaner and more considerate. One such industry is the Local Authority Building Control, which works to bridge the existing gap found between legal requirements and best practice methods. The LABC promotes best practice in all aspects of building, from passing the CSCS test to utilising environmentally friendly techniques.
Finally, there are several industry regulators that are trade specific. These organisations exist in order to promote the best practices that should be used within their specific trade and so that they can protect their members. Trade specific regulators are known to promote affiliate CSCS cards. These are equal to a few of the construction skills cards.

Executive Guidelines

The Health and Safety Executive, or HSE, is a government body. The HSE is dedicated to ensuring the provision of health and safety guidelines with all industries in the United Kingdom. Guidelines tend to directly focus on UK construction sites because of the fact it is a government body. They also tend to focus on workers and contractors and ensuring that they comply with the regulations for health and safety that is outlined in the Building Act
The HSE’s construction guidelines cover any health or safety topic you can think of within the construction industry. The HSE website contains most of these guidelines for free download.
It is important to note that guidelines are not legal requirements. However, it is required by law that all construction firms, contractors, and employee within the United Kingdom comply with relevant health and safety legislation currently in place. Using the HSE guidelines are the quickest and easiest method for ensuring that this happens. One of the best aspects of these guidelines is that they define what health and safety law expects you to do. This provides the needed knowledge in order to ensure that you are legally preparing for a safe build.
The HSE contains a construction division that is dedicated and staffed with inspectors that are experienced and individuals that have the knowledge needed to write guidelines and policies for the construction industry. The HSE’s construction industry is made up of three main areas. The operational unit, the construction sector and the policy unit. The operation unit is made up of inspectors and office backup. Inspectors are responsible for carrying out site inspections all over the United Kingdom in order to ensure each site is in compliance with the law. They also offer assistance when they find that compliance is not happening. The Construction Sector is responsible for working with stakeholders in the industry in order to ensure legislation is not only realistic, but also deliverable. Finally, the Policy Unit develops the legislation needed to create a safer construction industry.

The Risk Assessment

Risk assessments are conducted so that risks can be identified and prevented before accidents occur. The workforce is protected, the property is protected, and the business is protected from legal issues and potential accidents when risk assessments are carried out appropriately.
The Health and Safety Executive basically explains the risk assessment as looking at your work and carefully examining what poses a threat of harm to individuals. When you asses your specific work and look at potential risks and how to minimise those risks; you are better enabled to figure out whether the current risk control measures put in place are effective in managing the risks posed by your work.
Risk Assessment is law, and any responsible individual can carry out a risk assessment. An individual who contains the knowledge needed in order to effectively assess the risks posed by your industry and is willing to assume the legal responsibility for consequences of failure to conduct the risk assessment correctly makes up the responsible party. This technically means that any individual who has successfully completed the CSCS health and safety training can do a risk assessment. In reality, however, assessing risks on construction sites it typically did only be supervisors, managers, or individuals that have achieved the obtained the corresponding Construction NVQ level.
Managerial Construction NVQ levels are usually levels for and or five, depending on both the trade and the role. These involve modules that relate to both the job and site management. This includes the task of conducting a risk assessment. Because of this, the supervisor or manger is the ideal individual for carrying out risk assessments on the job site.
There are five elements involved while conducting a risk assessment. Every industry basically follows the same patter. The elements considered are in order as follows:
  • Identifying potential hazards
  • Identifying individuals who could potentially be harmed because of these hazards, and how the potential hazards can harm these individuals
  • Evaluating the risks and identifying precautionary measures that should be taken. This is the key aspect to conducting a risk assessment successfully.
  • Recording what is found
  • Reviewing the assessments on a regular basis to ensure new risks are being identified
There are two main types of precaution that can be taken against identified risks. You can either control the risk or avoid the risk. The goal for any job site health and safety is avoiding risk. Because of this, the main goal of the risk assessment should be finding methods that will enable risk to be avoided. This can typically be done by simply substituting one process for another type of process.
There are areas in which potential hazards cannot be avoided, but they can be controlled. Finding these risks is essential to the safety of the workers. Controlling the hazard could mean using personal protective equipment or implementing training agendas and practices that are designed in order to ensure workers are carrying out their work as safely as they can.

The Method Statement

Construction sites are requiring the method statement to take place more and more as part of the initial tender to the job. The method statement, also commonly referred to as a safe system of work statement, describes in specific detail how each part of the job is going to be completed. It provides evidence that the job has put in place the required health and safety controls needed to keep the workers and clients safe during the time the workers are at the job site and provides a proposal to the client for work.
The method statement should, in technicality, be written by you. In reality, you are probably going to need some help writing it. There are templates available that contain the guidelines you need to write an effective method statement. If you follow the following steps, however, you will not have to purchase a template and will be able to develop an effective method statement by yourself.
  • Tip 1: Complete The Risk Assessment First.
    • If you are bidding on a job, doing a risk assessment provides the information needed to complete the method statement. The method statement is supposed to act as your proposal on how you can complete the job both safely and effectively. The best way to begin this process is to look at the potential hazards found on the job site, and detail how you can avoid these hazards.

  • Tip 2: Provide more Detail.
    • If you want to ensure that you are correctly writing your method statement, make sure that the top is concise and then goes more into detail as you go through. This will allow the client to quickly look over the main points, and then read it in order to gain a deeper understanding.

  • Writing the Statement: Step 1
    • The first thing you should do is briefly detail the job. Start by describing the task you are bidding to do in order to provide a structure for the rest of the statement. It also proves to the client that you know what they are asking you to do. Make sure to include estimated start and finish dates and contact information for the relevant project manager.

  • Writing the Statement: Step 2
    • The next thing you should incorporate into your method statement is information on hazard identification and control. Make sure that you summarise all threats to health and safety present and list the personal protective equipment and control measures you plan to put in place in order to decrease the danger posed to employees, users, and the client while they are on the job site. This is the part of the Method Statement that the risk assessment is useful for. The identifications found in the risk assessment can be used, with more detail, in order to complete this part.

  • Writing the Statement: Step 3
    • The third thing you should do is go into more detail about the job. Outline what staff is required for the job, training staff should have, and the personal protection equipment you will have to supply. You can also include safety procedure descriptions in this section.

  • Writing the Statement: Step 4
    • The last thing you should include is the conclusion. Your conclusion should be detailed and provide a step by step procedure and time table for the entire job. You should include everything you have previously written and provide and clear and precise plan on how the job will be completed

CSCS Health and Safety Information

If you want to work within the United Kingdom Construction industry, you must first take and pass the Health and Safety Information CSCS test. This test is a computer-based, multiple choice, health, a safety and environment test. It assesses whether or not you have the knowledge and qualifications needed to work safely within the area you have chosen. It is designed with the intention of improving the awareness of health and safety concerns in order to not only reduce accidents but reduce the number of injuries and deaths that occur on construction sites as well. The following information is essential information that you should know, relating to general health and safety concerns, in order to successfully pass the CSCS test.

Personal Protective Equipment: What it is and Where to Find it

PPE, or personal protective equipment, is equipment and clothing alike that is designed with the intention of keeping employees safe from potential, or obvious, hazards found on the work site. The United Kingdom requires employers to legally provide employees with the personal protective equipment needs to carry out their jobs in a safe manner. If there is a reason you must source your own personal protective equipment, the United Kingdom sites contain numerous retail providers that specialise in this area.

Why is PPE important?

Personal protective equipment is there to keep workers safe and protected while they carry out their jobs. Construction sites are seen as high-risk worksites. This means that it is highly important that workers keep their personal protective equipment on correctly, always, while they are on the worksite. Personal protection equipment can protect employees from a number of different conditions. It can keep them safe from falling objects or long hanging surfaces. It can keep them out of contact with dangerous chemicals, dust, debris that are hazardous, and metal due to splashes. Personal protective equipment can also protect workers as they work in conditions providing poor levels of visibility, potential skin laceration, injuries to their feet and ankles, injuries from falling, hearing damage, and damage to their vision or eyes.

Basic Mandatory PPE

Construction sites are high risk, as mentioned above. Because of this, it is important that you never step on any worksite without wearing the mandatory Personal Protective equipment. The basic required equipment will be clothing that provides high visibility (jacket/vest), footwear designed to protect your feet, and a hard hat that is designed to protect your head. Most construction sites also require employees to wear safety gloves and goggles at all times as well.

Task Specific PPE

Mandatory personal protective equipment is not the only type of PPE you should be looking at. There are also a number of items that relate only to specific types of work or specific tasks that may be done while on the job. You can consult with the method statement in order to know what type of PPE is required for the job or task you are performing. The method statement is supposed to detail a safe system of work for the task at hand, and this includes a list of the PPE needed to carry out the job safely and in line with the procedures on site. If you are unsure about anything regarding specific PPE, you must inquire with your line manager, the supervisor on site, or a health and safety representative so that they can clarify whatever is causing your confusion. Task-specific PPE us things such as Respirators, safety goggles, heat proof clothes, harnesses, hearing protection, or specialised clothing (such as overalls or heat-proof clothing).
Maintaining and Storing PPE
It is the employer’s responsibility to provide employees with PPE, but it is the employee’s responsibility to take care of their personal protective equipment and ensure that it is stored correctly when not in use. If any of your personal protection equipment is damaged, you are required to immediately request a replacement. You should never try to change your PPE, it is designed specifically to keep you safe and any changes you make can affect its ability to keep you safe. You should ensure that your PPE is stored in a safe, dry area where it is safe from impairment and any type of exposure to extreme temperatures. You should do everything possible to avoid damaging the PPE that is more fragile by nature, such as your safety glasses and make sure that you place smaller, more fragile, items in a container before storing them.

First Aid on the Jobsite

Personal protective equipment is not the only thing on the job site designed to keep you safe. It is required that all construction sites contain a first aid box or a first aid station that is equipped in order to adequately handle the number of workers found on the job site. There also must be one employee that is the “appointed first aider” This person will take charge of any and all first aid arrangements and distribute first aid care when called for. Finally, each construction site is required to provide information that informs the workers on the site of who is in charge of first aid and where they can find them.

You Can Typically Find the Following at a First Aid Station:

  • Sterile dressing or bandages that are both large and small in size
  • An assortment of plasters
  • Dressings
  • Swabs
  • Wound wipes
  • Eyewash pods
  • Eyewash stations
  • Tweezers
  • Scissors
  • Accident Book
  • Blankets
  • Gloves
  • Braces
  • Supports
  • Boxes for the disposal of medical wastes

What is the First Aider and the Appointed Person and How many are on site?

A first aider is a person who has undertaken the training and has the required qualification in first aid that enables them to administer treatment to employees when it is required. A first aider found on a construction site is required to have a valid certificate in either First Aid at Work (FAW) or Emergency First Aid at Work (EFAW). An appointed person is not required to have training in first aid. They simply monitor the equipment and contact medical professionals or emergency services when required. A site that contains less than five employees is only required to have an appointed person on site. However, if a site contains five or more employees, they must have a first aider on site for every fifty workers.

Basic Information Regarding the Management of Your Health While at Work

The construction industry, due to the nature of the work itself, can neglect or disregard the concept of occupational health. The construction industry, because of its high-risk nature, tends to focus on accident prevention more than managing occupational health. This is because most of the accidents that are associated with work done on a construction site relate to serious injury. It is just as important, however, to manage and control the continuous occupational risks threatening your overall health.
Sometimes, it can take a while to notice occupational health problems that have occurred. The consequences, even though harder to notice immediately than accidents, can have consequences that are just as harmful as the ones relating to accidents and can even cause long-term suffering.
Manual workers tend to be at risk for obtaining the following complications:
  • Respiratory issues
  • Hand-arm vibration syndrome
  • Skin disease
  • Weil’s disease
  • Hearing loss due to excessive exposure to loud noise
  • Musculoskeletal disorders that can be caused by manual handling

The employer is responsible for managing occupation risks and for providing employees with regular health checks and access to first aid facilities. Construction employees should also have access to both literature and training on procedures for health and safety and on how to prevent potential occupational health conditions.
The management and prevention of occupational issues should include sickness absence management, a policy for returning to work, stress management strategies, and health surveillance. The health and safety advisor on site, or your employer, is responsible for making sure that you remain protected from both occupational risks and hazards. You can become a healthier and safer working through ensuring that you care for your own safety whenever possible and by obtaining additional training, information and literature on the avoidance of occupational hazards whenever you can. Taking the CSCS test and applying for the card proves that you have the knowledge you need to carry out your job safely.

Safety Signs

There are three main types of safety signs. The first is the sight that simply reminds workers to take the appropriate health and safety precautions before they enter a specific worker site. The second is the signs that warn you are entering a dangerous area. Finally, the third signs warn workers that only authorised personnel may enter a specific area. Safety signs are colour coded. Red signs mean an area is restricted, blue signs mean you need some type of Personal protective equipment before you entire the area, and yellow signs provide you with a general warning about the area.
This sign is used to restrict entry to a specific area in order to aid non-construction workers that may want to enter the site. Not only does the sign warn against entering the site without authorization, but it also protects the owner of the site from legal complications if an unauthorised person enters the site and an accident occurs.

This is the signs that remind the worker to ensure they are wearing the proper personal protective equipment before they enter a site. It can remind you about gloves, goggles, hats, or some other type of PPE. Some of these signs are more direct way than others by stating that workers are required to wear the appropriate PPE before they will be allowed to enter the site.

This sign is the one that warns of hazards in the area. It tells them the specifics of what they can find beyond the point of the sign. From overhead loads to open pits, warning sites can warn of numerous types of hazardous conditions.

When safety signs are being placed on the worksite, it is important to remember that the location of the sign has a huge part in how effective it will be. Normally, multipurpose signs will be posted at all entry points to the work site. A multipurpose signs details all of the hazards found within the worksite and the PPE required. It also warns against unauthorised entry. In order to keep the worksite as safe as possible, warning signs with a single message should be placed throughout the site within the appropriate areas.

Everyone is Responsible for Safety

Both the employer and the employee are legally responsible for health and safety on the worksite. Both are responsible for following the procedures that are put in place in order to ensure the worksite remains as safe as it possibly can. Construction work comes with numerous hazards and risks. Because of this, construction workers must go through a number of health and safety courses in order to train them on their legal obligations regarding health and safety at the workplace. Occupational risks are minimised when simple safety precautions are put into place and followed appropriately.

Full 50 CSCS Practice Exam 2017 Questions & Answers

Answers Mark in  RED
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1.What does it mean when a work site is given a prohibition notice? Choose Two Answers
The work site has to undergo review
Your supervisor has been fined for lack of safety protocol
The skilled crew members are the only people who can continue working
All workers must stop work immediately.

2.While operating power tools, what are the minimum requirements?
Must be at least 16 years of age
Must be at least 21 years of age
Must be at least 18 years of age
Must be trained and knowledgeable about power tools

3.If someone on your work site is using loud equipment and you do not have proper protective equipment, which action should you take?
Leave the area and require proper PPE for your ears
Complain to your supervisor
Tell co-worker to stop working
Continue working without proper equipment

4.You notice a ladder is damaged, what should you do?
Put the ladder to the side
Use ladder while avoiding the damaged part
Stop using the damaged ladder and report broken ladder to co-workers
Repair ladder then continue working

5.Why are risk assessments vital to the work place?
They identify the supervisors of the job site
They identify accident statistics on job site
They identify the location of equipment on job site
They identify hazards and provide safety precautions on the job site

6.What action should you take if a load is too heavy and is unable to break into smaller parts?
Use a fork-lift despite a lack of training
Carry the load quickly
Wait until there is help
Drag the load across the job site yourself

7.How can one identify a hazardous substance?
The container’s colour
The substance’s colour
The container has a blue label
The specific symbol on the label

8.What health issues can solvents in paints lead to?
Headaches & Dizziness
Lung issues
Other issues with the body
All of the Above

9.Of the following, which does not belong in a fire triangle?
Ignition Sources

10.Which action below causes the most accidents on work sites?
Slips and Falls

11.What safety precautions should be taken to ensure safety?
Get the job done as quickly as possible
Read and fully understand the instructions and assessment
Read the safety posters
Talk to co-workers about it

12.Which fire extinguishers are black and cream?
CO2 and Water
CO2 and Dry Powder
H2O and Foam
CO2 and Foam

13.What is the proper form when lifting a load from the ground?
Knees straight bent back
Feet spread wide as possible
Feet slightly apart, knees bent
Feet together, knees straight

14.Which of the following people are allowed to activate the fire alarm?
Anyone who finds the fire
A health and safety representative
Your supervisor
Your manager

15.How many days can a disposable mask be used?

16.Why is it important to keep a clean work space?
Keeps away animals
Reduces risk of accidents such as slipping and falling
Helps lessen environmental impact
All of the above

17.Which of the following causes a Class A fire?
Live electric
Wood, Plastic, Paper, and any other solid material
Cooking oils

18.How can one tell if a substance is asbestos?
Ask the supervisor
Ask your co-workers
Sniff the substance
Have it tested in a lab

19.What is the best way to see if a load is too heavy for you to lift?
Check description that is provided with the load
Slightly lift load then drop immediately
Check to see height of load and determine
Calculate the length and height of load

20.What indication is shown by a blue health and safety sign?
Hazard Sign
Stop Sign
Prohibition Sign
Mandatory Sign

21.What substance is inside a blue fire extinguisher?
Carbon Dioxide
Dry Powder

22.During an accident, a first aider can do all except which of the following?
Bandage Cuts
Prescribe medicine
Move victim while unconscious

23.When the site is given prohibition notice who can work?
Skilled Workers only
Should not be used until safe
Managers only
Supervisors only

24.Why is it important to collect dust while using power tools?
Enhanced performance of tools
Save time
Substance can be harmful when inhaled
Avoid making a mess

25.What action should be taken when a fire alarm is set off?
Locate fire and put it out
Pack belongings and go to fire assembly point
Go directly to fire assembly point

26.Which extinguisher of the following is best used for an electrical fire?
Wet Chemical
27.While on a building site, who of the following can use a class 3 ladder?
Class 3 ladders should not be used
Only trained workers
Anyone is allowed to use a class 3 ladder
Only supervisors

28.Which person should a serious accident be reported to?
HSE inspectors
The local police
An employer
The worksite security

29.A sign that shows a fire and finger pressing a button in red and white means?
The area is a fire assembly point
The area has a fire extinguisher
There is a fire alarm
B and C

30.While putting out an electrical fire, if a CO2 extinguisher is not available, which should you use?
Dry powder extinguisher
H2O extinguisher
Wet Chemical extinguisher
CO2 Extinguisher

31.What is an employer’s responsibility while a worker is lifting a load?
The worker is responsible for themselves
Employer has to provide a risk assessment
Employer must watch worker lift
Employer has to lift load themselves

32.If climbing heights on a ladder make’s you uncomfortable, which action should you take?
Use a shorter ladder
Ask a co-worker to do the work
Talk to the supervisor
Only climb as high as you feel like

33.What action should be taken when a live electrical wire falls into the water?
Ignore the issue and report after work
Avoid the area as quickly as possible
Remove the wire yourself
Notify co-workers immediately

34.Can hearing loss be reversed after working on a construction site with excessive noise?
Damage is irreversible
Hearing can come back with surgery
The hearing will return when you change jobs.
Hearing repairs self.

35.Of the following, which is the best definition of a hazard?
Chemicals that are unlabelled
A substance of action that is potentially harmful
Cables that are left on the floor
Tools that are left on the floor

36.What should be done with unlabelled bottles of chemicals?
Ignore the bottle
Dispose of bottle yourself
Sniff bottle to see if it is harmful
Report bottle to supervisor immediately

37.Of the following, who should report unsafe work practices?
Anyone who notices
Supervisor only
Employer only
Co-workers only

38.Which of the following is associated with COSHH?
Safety while using ladders
Safety while using electrical equipment
Safety while lifting
Safety while handling hazardous materials

39.What is the safest way to lift a load?
Feet as close as possible
Feet slightly apart
Back Rounded
Back Straight

40.Which year was the Health and Safety at work act passed?

41.Which action should be taken if a worker is unsure about a certain topic on the site induction?
Ask presenter to explain more
Ask health and safety representative during next break
Ask the next day
Ask co-workers

42.Which of the following are NOT part of a worker’s responsibility?
Report dangerous work practices
Provide a PPE
Record risk assessments
Discuss concerns over safety

43.What does the term PASS stand for while using a fire extinguisher?
Point, aim, smother, squeeze
Point, aim, squeeze, sweep
Point, aim, sweep, squeeze
Point aim, squeeze, smother

44.How many workers need to be employed at a company before they need to record a risk assessment?
Only one
5 +

45.Which precaution should be taken after discovering a crack in your safety helmet?
Replace on next break
Carry on working
Get a replacement as quickly as possible
Glue the crack and continue working

46.What colour is a wet chemical fire extinguisher?

47.How many times can disposable ear plugs be used?
Three times
As many times as you’d like so long as they are cleaned
48.When should eye protection be used while working?
In direct sunlight
While using power tools
When the site demands it
While handling hazardous chemicals

49.Which action should be taken when a child is found on the job site?
Tell your employer
Tell your supervisor
Continue working
Take child off site quickly

50.Which health and safety signs have a triangle shape?
Smoking sign
Hazard sign
Prohibition sign
Mandatory sign

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50 Best Free Online CSCS Mock Exam Questions and Full Answers 2016

Answers Mark in  GREEN
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Which of the following statements about ladder use is true?

  1. a. Only a single person should work on a ladder, regardless of length or supervision - Given
  2. b. Two people are permitted to work on a single ladder if the supervisor of the job site approves
  3. c. Two people are permitted to work on a single ladder if the ladder is long enough
  4. d. Two people are permitted to work on a single ladder if a third person is holding the ladder

One hazard of working on a construction site is excessive noise, which has the potential to cause hearing damage. Can hearing loss be reversed?

  1. a. Only with surgery 
  2. b. No, the damage will be permanent and irreversible
  3. c. The condition repairs itself with time
  4. d. It can be reversed, but you will need to choose a new line of work

What are Class A fires fuelled by?

  1. a. Cooking oils 
  2. b. Wood, paper, plastics, and other solid materials
  3. c. Live electrical equipment
  4. d. Flammable liquids such as kerosene or gas

How should you lift a load from the floor?

  1. a. By standing with your feet slightly apart with your knees bent
  2. b. By keeping your knees straight and bending your back
  3. c. By standing with your feet as wide as possible
  4. d. By standing with your feet together and your knees straight

Construction workers who are killed at work are most likely to die from?

  1. a. Falling from height
  2. b. Leptospirosis
  3. c. Electrocution
  4. d. On-site vehicle collision

Excess noise, such as that experienced on a construction site, has the potential to damage your hearing over time. What is an early sign of hearing loss?

  1. a. A ringing sound or temporary hearing loss
  2. b. Frequent inner ear infection
  3. c. A rash that appears around the outer part of your ear
  4. d. There are no early signs

What does it mean when a piece of equipment is given a prohibition notice?

  1. a. The equipment should not be used until it is safe again
  2. b. The equipment should only be used by skilled workers
  3. c. The equipment should only be used by supervisors
  4. d. The equipment should only be used by managers

How many times are you able to wear disposable ear plugs safely?

  1. a. Indefinitely, if they continue to inhibit loud noises 
  2. b. Three times, if they are properly cleaned
  3. c. Twice
  4. d. Once

The health and safety term RIDDOR is related to:

  1. a. How to safely use chemicals in the workplace 
  2. b. How to report diseases and other dangerous occurrences in the workplace
  3. c. How to properly handle manuals in the workplace
  4. d. How to carry out tasks safely in the workplace

Why is a risk assessment important?

  1. a. It lets you know where all safety equipment is located
  2. b. It tells you the statistics of accidents reported on the job site
  3. c. It helps you identify the people in charge of health and safety on the job site
  4. d. It identifies known hazards on the site and provides safe methods for following through with tasks

How do you determine if a load is too heavy to lift?

  1. a. Calculate the length by height of the load
  2. b. See if the height is below your knees and if it is, it is okay to lift
  3. c. Check the weight of the load that is provided on the description
  4. d. Slightly lift the load from the ground and then drop it

Which of the following statements about ladders is not true?

  1. a. If you use a fibreglass ladder, there is a lower chance of electrical grounding
  2. b. Painted ladders to be used so that there is less wear and tear
  3. c. Always maintain at least three points of contact during ladder use
  4. d. The footing of the ladder must be at angles less than 75 degrees

Who is permitted to activate a fire alarm?

  1. a. A supervisor
  2. b. A manager
  3. c. A health and safety rep
  4. d. Anyone who discovers the fire

When should you use eye protection onsite?

  1. a. Only when hazardous chemicals are being used
  2. b. Only when power tools are being used
  3. c. Only when direct sunlight may come into contact with your eyes
  4. d. If the site rules demand it and the task at hand has the potential to cause eye injury

What steps should you take if the ladder you notice the ladder you are going to use is damaged?

  1. a. Take steps to repair the ladder yourself
  2. b. Use the ladder anyway but do not go near the damaged section
  3. c. Stop using the ladder immediately and report it so nobody else uses it either
  4. d. Stop using the ladder and put it off to the side

What should you do if you witness an accident on the construction site?

  1. a. Leave it up to the person involved to report it
  2. b. Protect your colleague by remaining quiet about the incident
  3. c. Do nothing, management should deal with health and safety issues
  4. d. Report it to your supervisor

What does a blue health and safety sign indicate?

  1. a. A prohibition sign
  2. b. A stop sign
  3. c. A mandatory sign
  4. d. A hazard sign

If you are extinguishing a fire in a confined space, you should avoid using the following types of fire extinguishers:

  1. a. Dry powder and CO2
  2. b. Dry powder and water
  3. c. Co2 and foam
  4. d. Foam and dry powder

Who should you report serious accidents to? ✖

  1. a. Your worksite security
  2. b. The police
  3. c. An HSE inspector
  4. d. Your employer

What is found inside a blue fire extinguisher?

  1. a. Water
  2. b. Foam
  3. c. Dry powder
  4. d. Carbon dioxide

A good rule of thumb is that noise levels in an area may be excessive if you must shout to speak to a person that is __ metres away.

  1. a. 5
  2. b. 2
  3. c. 4
  4. d. 6

What should you do if you see a live electrical wire fall into a water puddle?

  1. a. Immediately remove the wire from the water
  2. b. Avoid the area
  3. c. Ignore the wire and report it when you are done working
  4. d. Notify others in the area

If you see a child wandering around your construction site, what should you do?

  1. a. Approach the child and escort him/her to safety immediately
  2. b. Report the wandering child to your site manager
  3. c. Report the wandering child to your manager
  4. d. Ignore the child and continue working

What voltage is considered safe for using electrical equipment on a construction site?

  1. a. 110 volts
  2. b. 115 volts
  3. c. 220 volts
  4. d. 240 volts

If a load is too heavy for you to move, there are no coworkers around to help, and you cannot break the load into smaller parts, what should you do?

  1. a. Drag the load across the ground
  2. b. Use a fork-lift truck to carry the load, even if you do not have the training to use one
  3. c. Carry the load quickly and on your shoulders to avoid injury
  4. d. Wait to move the load until you find a safe way to do so

Why are workplace accidents investigated?

  1. a. To place responsibility on the person involved in the accident
  2. b. To determine the cost of the accident
  3. c. To determine the cause of the accident in case of insurance claims
  4. d. To identify the cause of the accident to take better precautions in the future

What is your employer’s responsibility when you must lift a load?

  1. a. Providing a risk assessment of the job at hand
  2. b. Having a supervisor watch as you lift
  3. c. Watching you lift themselves
  4. d. Nothing, you should be responsible for lifting the load

Tasks such as cutting, sanding, drilling, and grinding may produce high levels of dust, which may be inhaled. When are these levels most dangerous?

  1. a. When you are using the tool outside, on a windy day
  2. b. When you are using the tool outside, on a calm day
  3. c. When you are using the tool indoors, in a small room
  4. d. When you are using the tool indoors, in a large room

If there is a cut in the outer cover of an extension wire you need to use, what should be your next step?

  1. a. Use the extension wire, but avoid touching the area around the cut part
  2. b. Report the damaged extension wire immediately and make sure nobody else uses it
  3. c. Continue using it, as long as the copper wiring inside is not exposed
  4. d. Cover the damaged area with electrical tape and then use it

If the onsite toilet does not work and is always left a mess, what should you do?

  1. a. Investigate the problem yourself and try to fix it
  2. b. Take advantage of your break and use the toilet at a nearby business
  3. c. Avoid using the toilet completely
  4. d. Let your supervisor know about the problem

If your work site is given a prohibition notice, what does it mean?

  1. a. An on-site supervisor has been fined or penalised for disregard of proper safety protocol
  2. b. The site must undergo review to ensure the proper safety protocol are in place
  3. c. All personnel on the site must immediately cease work
  4. d. Only skilled crew members can continue work on the site

What is found inside fire extinguishers that are black in colour?

  1. a. Dry powder
  2. b. water
  3. c. CO2
  4. d. Foam

What should be done if you find a crack in your safety helmet?

  1. a. You should cease working immediately and find a replacement
  2. b. You should apply glue to the cracked area
  3. c. You should continue to work if it is a small crack
  4. d. You should find a replacement when you go on your next break

What is the most suitable angle for a ladder to be placed against a wall?

  1. a. 75 degrees
  2. b. 90 degrees
  3. c. 45 degrees
  4. d. 65 degrees

Which type of health and safety signs have a triangular shape?

  1. a. No smoking
  2. b. Mandatory
  3. c. Hazard
  4. d. Prohibition

A sign that is red and white in colour displaying a fire and a finger pressing a button means what?

  1. a. There is a fire extinguisher
  2. b. There is a fire alarm
  3. c. That is the fire assembly point
  4. d. A and B

How long can disposable masks be used?

  1. a. Ten working days
  2. b. Seven working days
  3. c. Three working days
  4. d. One day, or one shift

What should you do if a coworker is complaining that they are dizzy and feeling faint?

  1. a. Immediately remove them out of sunlight into a cool environment
  2. b. Have them lie down comfortably until they feel better
  3. c. Contact emergency services
  4. d. Give them medication, if appropriate

What are the minimum requirements for operating a power tool?

  1. a. Being a minimum of 21 years of age
  2. b. Being a minimum of 18 years of age
  3. c. Being a minimum of 16 years of age
  4. d. Being trained and competent

What should you do if climbing to a certain height on a ladder makes you uncomfortable?

  1. a. Notify your site supervisor
  2. b. Climb only to the height where you feel comfortable
  3. c. Change the ladder
  4. d. Ask a coworker to climb the ladder

If you need to use a power tool and find that the guard is missing, what should you do?

  1. a. Quickly complete the task by using the tool as fast as you can
  2. b. Improvise by making your own guard
  3. c. Carefully use the tool by working very slowly
  4. d. Refrain from using the tool until the correct guard has been fitted

What is a PAT?

  1. a. A professional application test
  2. b. A portable application test
  3. c. A portable appliance test
  4. d. A professional appliance test

If your body comes into contact with wet cement, it is most likely that you will experience:

  1. a. Temporary hearing loss
  2. b. Chemical burns and dermatitis
  3. c. Leptospirosis
  4. d. Vibration white finger

If the fire alarm is raised, what should you do?

  1. a. Go to the fire assembly point so that you can be accounted for
  2. b. Hide under your desk
  3. c. Look for the fire so that you can put it out
  4. d. Pack up your belongings and then go to the fire assembly point

Information about chemicals commonly found on a job site can be found:

  1. a. On your employment contract
  2. b. On an HSE poster on the job site
  3. c. On the MSDS sheet
  4. d. On the sign-in sheet

Why must near misses be reported to your supervisor as well, not just accidents?

  1. a. So that the responsible person can be fired
  2. b. So that the responsible person can be blamed
  3. c. In order for compensation to be paid out
  4. d. To prevent future accidents

If a carbon dioxide extinguisher is not available, what type of fire extinguisher should be used for putting out an electrical fire?

  1. a. Foam
  2. b. Dry powder
  3. c. Wet chemical
  4. d. Water

Why is keeping a clean work environment important?

  1. a. It deters animals and rodents from entering the job site and spreading disease
  2. b. It reduces environmental impact
  3. c. It reduces slipping, tripping, and falling
  4. d. A, B, and C

If you are extinguishing a fuel fire, what type of fire extinguisher should you use?

  1. a. Foam
  2. b. Co2
  3. c. Water
  4. d. Wet chemical

If the person next to you on the job site is using loud equipment and you are not wearing hearing protection, what should you do?

  1. a. Ask the worker to stop performing their current job
  2. b. Continue your own work because the job site is always noisy
  3. c. Leave the area and secure PPE for your ears before returning to complete your job
  4. d. Speak to your coworker’s supervisor about their job 
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CSCS Health and Safety Training Mock Test 2017

The CSCS test provides a means to prove that you have acquired the safety and health training required for the United Kingdom Construction Industry. Employees are finding that gaining employment without having the CSCS card relevant to their trade and experience is becoming increasingly difficult. Mock exams provide a way to test your knowledge on safety and health as it relates to the workplace and ensure that you have the confidence you need to pass the CSCS test and obtain your CSCS card.
To book the test call 0844 682 0844 or visit 
Answers are at bottom of the page

Start Safety And Health Training Mock Exam

  1. Magnesium and Aluminum materials can be found under which class of fire?
    1. B
    2. F
    3. A
    4. D

  1. What do you do if you discover if you see a child on your work site?
    1. Remove the child immediately to a safe area
    2. Ignore it; their parent is around somewhere
    3. Report it to your site manager immediately
    4. Keep an eye on the child and make sure they don’t get hurt

  1. What types of fire extinguishers are best to use on electrical fires?
    1. Water & Foam
    2. Foam & Wet Chemical
    3. CO2 & Dry Powder
    4. Water & CO2

  1. You should do all of the following Except what in order to prevent injuries that can be caused by manual handling?
    1. Use proper lifting equipment
    2. Carry as much as you can in order to finish as quickly as possible
    3. Learn the correct techniques
    4. Break large items into smaller parts

  1. Which of the following is not the correct course of action in the event of a fire?
    1. Immediately find the nearest lift and use it to exit the building
    2. Immediately call the fire brigade
    3. Set off the fire alarm closest to you
    4. If you are trained to do so and can do so safely, try and extinguish the fire

  1. Should your employer provide a first aid box in the event of?
    1. One is required by the company
    2. When there are more than ten workers on the site
    3. When there are more than 25 workers on the site
    4. First aide boxes must always be provided, no matter how many employees are on site

  1. You should keep your work area clean and tidy because _______.
    1. it reduces the potential for falls, trips, and slips
    2. it reduces impact to the environment
    3. this will prevent animals from coming and spreading disease
    4. All of the above

  1. If you are the only one to notice a safety hazard, what do you do?
    1. Keep working and tell your supervisor before you leave for the day
    2. Avoid that area
    3. Immediately report it to your supervisor
    4. Ignore it, reporting it is the health and safety rep’s responsibility

  1. Exposure to engine oil can potentially cause?
    1. Loss of breath
    2. Skin problems
    3. Hearing loss
    4. Heart disease

  1. Site inductions are important because?
    1. It is when health and safety rules are discussed
    2. You can meet your coworkers and become familiar with staff
    3. You can meet the managers and supervisors
    4. You can become familiar with the work area

  1. How do you identify a hazardous substance?
    1. The color of the container
    2. The color of the substance
    3. The symbol on the label
    4. The label will say that it is hazardous

  1. It is important to do risk assessments because ______.
    1. it will delegate who does what on the site
    2. this will dictate who is in charge of the health and safety of the site
    3. it will show where tools are stored
    4. To identify potential safety hazards and instruct the safest methods of completing tasks

  1. What color identifies a wet chemical fire extinguisher?
    1. Black
    2. Yellow
    3. Red
    4. Blue

  1. During a fire, what do you do after raising the alarm?
    1. Hide under a desk
    2. Immediately exit the building
    3. Find your coworkers and lead them out
    4. Find your supervisor and tell them the building is on fire

  1. If you are witness to a near miss and know the worker is not going to report it because he is afraid he will get in trouble, what do you do?
    1. Immediately report it
    2. No harm, no foul. Keep working
    3. Talk to him on the importance of safety
    4. Take him to the manager

  1. If it is required that you carry a load down a steep slope, what do you do?
    1. Carry the item down the slope with it on your shoulder
    2. Assess to see if you can carry the item safely before you attempt to carry it
    3. Roll the item down the slope
    4. Run down the slope to make it to the bottom quickly

  1. If you see a red and white sign displaying a finger, what does it represent?
    1. Where the fire alarm is located
    2. Where the assembly appoint is
    3. Where the fire extinguisher is
    4. None of the above

  1. What fire extinguishers should never be used in a confined space?
    1. H20 & CO2
    2. CO2 & Foam
    3. Dry Powder & CO2
    4. Foam & Dry Powder

  1. What do you do if you realize that the safety rules explained during the site induction are now out of date?
    1. It’s not your responsibility, keep working
    2. Ask your co-workers for advice
    3. Create your own safety rules
    4. Discuss it with your supervisor and raise your concerns

  1. If the load you must lift blocks your view, what do you do?
    1. Ask a co-worker to guide you
    2. Carry the load; it is the responsibility of others to tell you if you will hit them
    3. Ask a supervisor to guide you
    4. Ask a co-worker to assist you with carrying the load so you will be able to see

  1. “Tool box talk” is best described by what?
    1. A short discussion that takes place about a specific health and safety topic
    2. A guide that describes in detail how you should store your tools safely
    3. A guide that describes what tools are approved for you to use at the site
    4. A guide that explains how choosing the right tools for each job can benefit you

  1. Why is it important that workers sign in as they enter the work site?
    1. To ensure workers are working the right number of hours
    2. So that if an emergency occurs, there is a way to account for everyone on the site
    3. The HSE must record all working hours
    4. You do not have to sign into the work site

  1. If you have previously had a back injury, that is affecting your job?
    1. You should ignore it and keep working
    2. Make sure that you have a back brace handy
    3. Talk to your supervisor about it before you begin working.
    4. If you feel pain while working tell the supervisor, otherwise continue working

  1. A clean work environment helps with which of the following
    1. Keeping animals away
    2. Reducing environmental impacts
    3. Reducing the potential of injuries due to slips, trips, and falls
    4. All of the above

  1. To whom do you report serious accidents?
    1. Your employer
    2. Call the police immediately
    3. Security on the worksite
    4. HSE inspector

  1. What do you do if a load is too heavy for you to move alone, and you cannot break it apart?
    1. Use a fork – lift, regardless of whether or not you have been trained to use one
    2. Do not attempt to move it unless you can safely
    3. Drag it across the ground
    4. Tell a co-worker to handle it

  1. How can you best describe a near miss?
    1. A narrowly avoided accident
    2. An accident from taking time off work
    3. A minor accident that could have been avoided
    4. An accident that was never reported

  1. Which of the following is not true about ladders?
    1. The ladder should be footed for angles that are less than seventy-five degrees
    2. Fiber glass ladders can help lessen the potential for electrical grounding to occur
    3. Painting ladders help avoid excessive wear and tear occurring
    4. You should always maintain three points of contact when using a ladder

  1. If you are uncomfortable climbing the height of a ladder, what do you do?
    1. Ask someone to hold the ladder
    2. Change ladders
    3. Don’t climb it and find another task to complete
    4. Speak with your supervisor

  1. Severe injury and death can be caused by what level of voltage?
    1. 220 volts
    2. 110 volts
    3. 480 volts
    4. All of the above

  1. How many points of contacted should you have anytime you use a ladder?
    1. 1
    2. 2
    3. 3
    4. 4

  1. The steel toe of your work boot does what?
    1. Ensures your feet remain comfortable at work
    2. Keeps the foot better aerated than it would be if you were wearing a regular boot
    3. Protects your feet from debris falling from above
    4. Increases your traction if you are working from heights

  1. What does a green safety sign mean?
    1. An employee has to do something
    2. Safe conditions
    3. Fire alarm found here
    4. There is a hazard in this area

  1. At what point do you need to report to your supervisor concerning a health and safety concern?
    1. That the area is unsafe for third parties
    2. The safety of you and your co-workers is at risk
    3. Your safety is at risk
    4. All of the above

  1. If you notice that a live electrical wire falls into a puddle of water?
    1. You should notify others nearby
    2. Carry on working and wait until after your shift to report it
    3. Remove it immediately
    4. Avoid the area and continue working

  1. Which of the following statements about manual handling is true?
    1. Back braces are specifically designed with the intention of increasing how much weight you can carry
    2. Back braces can eliminate risks for injury when worn
    3. Both A & B
    4. Neither A nor B

  1. Who is responsible for managing health and safety on the construction site
    1. The health a safety rep
    2. The site manager
    3. The site supervisor
    4. The workers

  1. Blue fire extinguishers contain what substance within them?
    1. Carbon Dioxide
    2. Dry Powder
    3. Water
    4. Foam

  1. Which of the following is untrue about ladders?
    1. Use three points of contact any time you use a ladder
    2. Ladders can be painted to avoid wear and tear
    3. If the supervisor approves it, two people can work on one ladder
    4. Both B & C

  1. What does a blue and white health and safety sign indicate?
    1. You have entered a restricted zone
    2. You may not perform a specific task
    3. It is mandatory that some action be taken
    4. There is a hazard present
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