Monday 13 November 2017

CSCS Mock Test For Managers and Professionals 2017 - Full 50 Questions

Today we have created a Full 50 question CSCS Mock Test For Managers and Professionals. If you are looking to obtain the Black CSCS card for managers, then this is the mock test for you. We have created this with questions from real CSCS questions you will get asked when sitting your test. It is an excellent way to see if you are ready to sit the exam.
In this practice test, we have given you example questions from various topics, these include:
  • First aid and Emergency procedures
  • Health and welfare
  • Accident reporting and recording
  • Personal protective equipment
  • General responsibilities.
  • Dust and fumes (Respiratory hazards)
  • Noise and Vibration
  • Hazardous substances
  • Manual Handling
  • Electrical safety, tools and equipment
The CITB health, safety and environment test will consist of 50 questions and to pass you will need to answer 47 correct within the time limit of 45 minutes. The questions are all multiple choice, but some questions will need more than one answer, so please make sure you read the question fully before answering to see if it needs multiple answers.
 Answers Mark in RED
To book cscs test visit or call 0844 682 0844
1. Why is the Health and Safety at Work Act important to everyone at work? Give 2 answers
  • It explains how health and safety is managed on site
  • It explains how to write a risk assessment
  • It requires all employers to provide a safe place to work
  • It sets out how work should be carried out
  • It puts legal duties on workers with regard to their acts or omissions
2. Why should all employees be able to view the company health and safety policy?
  • It tells them how to do their job safely
  • It contains the contents of the risk assessment
  • It tells them how health and safety is managed within the organisation
  • It tells them how to use tools and equipment safely
3. If there is a fatal accident or reportable dangerous occurrence on site, when must the Health and Safety Executive be informed?
  • Immediately
  • Within 5 days
  • Within seven days
  • Within 10 days
4. What happens if a probation notice is issued by the Health and Safety Executive inspector or local authority?
  • Work can continue, as long as risk a assessment is carried out
  • The work that is subject to the notice must stop
  • Work can continue if extra safety precautions are taken
  • The work currently in progress can be completed, but no new work can be started
5. Which of these does not have to be recorded in the accident book?
  • Injured person’s National Insurance number
  • The date and time of the accident
  • Details of the injury
  • The home address of the injured person
6. When must you record an accident in the accident book?
  • If you were injured in any way
  • Only if you have to be off work
  • Only if you have suffered a broken bone
  • Only if you go to hospital
7. If someone is injured at work, who should record it in the accident book?
  • Site manager
  • The injured person or someone acting for them
  • The first aider
  • Someone from the Health and Safety Executive
8. Which of the following statements about recording accidents is true?
  • They must include details of the next of kin
  • It must only be completed by a site manager or supervisor
  • They must comply with the requirements of the data protection act
  • It must only be kept in electronic format
9. What is the most important reason for keeping a working area on a construction site clean and tidy?
  • To prevent slips, trips and Falls
  • So that the workers don’t have to have a big clean up at the end of the week
  • So that Waste skips can be emptied more often
  • To recycle waste and help the environment
10. Why is it important for all workers to attend site induction?
  • Workers will get to know all the new starters
  • Risk assessments will be handed out
  • Specific health and safety rules will be explained
  • Permits to work will be handed out
11. A doctor gives an employee an some medication. What question is important that the employee ask the doctor?
  • Would it make them drowsy or unsafe to work or operate machinery?
  • Will it make them work more slowly?
  • Will they fail a drugs test?
  • Will it cause them to oversleep and be late for work?
12. You can catch an infection called tetanus from contaminated land or water. How does it get into your body?
  • Through your nose when you breathe
  • Through an open Cut on your skin
  • Through your mouth when you eat or drink
  • It doesn’t, it only affects animals and not people
13. Which of the following is most likely to result in those who work with sheet lead having raised levels of lead in the blood?
  • Not using the correct respirator
  • Not washing their hands before eating
  • Not changing out of their work clothes
  • By them not wearing safety goggles
14. You suspect someone has been drinking alcohol or is still over the limit. What should you do?
  • Get them to drink plenty of strong coffee before they go back to work
  • Tell them your concerns and see that they are safely removed from site
  • Ask them to stay away an hour and then go back to work
  • Get them to eat and drink something, wait 30 minutes and then go back to work
15. How do you find out about emergency assembly points?
  • By reading a risk assessment
  • By reading a method statement
  • At the site induction
  • By checking the permit to work
16. How do workers find out what to do if they are injured on site?
  • By asking someone on site
  • By looking for the first aid sign
  • By attending a first aid course
  • It should be included at the site induction
17. How are site based staff and visitors informed of the location of first aid facilities on site?
  • By walk in the site looking for the first aid sign
  • By searching the site office
  • By attending the site induction
  • By reading the Health and Safety law poster
18. How should site visitors be informed of what to do in the event of an on-site emergency?
  • They should study the plans on the wall of the site office
  • They are informed during a site induction
  • They should ask the site manager
  • They should take a look around the site for the emergency assembly point
19. How can you see for yourself that attention has been given to simple emergency procedures on site?
  • Scaffolding has inspection labels fitted
  • The distance between the structure and the assembly point is minimised
  • There are fire points with extinguishers and a means of raising the alarm
  • All electrical appliances have been electrically tested
20. Do those in charge of sites have to provide a first aid box?
  • Yes, every site must have one
  • Only if more than 5 people work on site
  • Only if more than 25 people work on site
  • No, there is no legal duty to provide one
21. While on site you observe that there is a risk of materials flying at speed into workers eyes. What should they be wearing to protect themselves?
  • Impact resistant goggles or full face shield
  • Welding goggles
  • Reading glasses or sunglasses
  • Light eye protection
22. When should eye protection be worn?
  • I’m very bright, sunny days
  • If there is a risk of eye injury and if it is the site rules
  • When it has been included in the bill of quantities
  • Only for work with chemicals
23. When should you wear safety footwear on site?
  • Only when working at ground level or outside
  • Until the site starts to look finished
  • All the time
  • When you’re working all day on site and not just visiting
24. What features should you be looking for when obtaining safety footwear for a site visit?
  • We must be black with a good sole pattern
  • They only need a protective toe cap and thin mid-sole
  • They must have a protective toe cap and mid-sole
  • There must be smooth soled to prevent the transfer of contaminated materials
25. Do all types of gloves protect hands against chemicals?
  • Yes, all gloves are made to the same standard
  • Only if site workers put barrier cream on their hands as well
  • No, different types of gloves protect against different types of hazards
  • Only if they cover their gloves with barrier cream
26. Someone is using a disc cutter to cut concrete blocks. What three immediate hazards are likely to affect you?
  • Flying fragments
  • Dermatitis
  • Harmful Dust In The Air
  • High noise levels
  • Skin cancer
27. Why is it important to be clean-shaven if using a half mask respirator?
  • The filter material will become blocked more quickly
  • You may suffer an allergic reaction to the mask
  • Facial hair can affect the seal around your face
  • You’ll be able to use the same mask for longer
28. Where are workers likely to breathe in the highest quantities of dust when drilling, cutting, sanding or grinding?
  • Outside on a still day
  • Outside on a windy day
  • In a small room
  • In a large indoor space
29. What should you not encourage workers to do when they are sweeping up?
  • Dampen down the area
  • Make sure there is plenty of ventilation
  • wear their protective mask
  • Dry sweep the area quickly
30. What should a worker do if the water they are using to control dust runs out?
  • Put on a respiratory protection
  • Stop and refill the water
  • Ask everyone to clear the area and then carry on
  • Carry on but get someone to sweep up afterwards
31. What is the best way to limit dust exposure when assessing the use of power tools?
  • Stop dust getting into the air
  • Provide adequate ventilation
  • Find a way to do the work quickly to limit dust exposure
  • Only undertake the work during damp or wet weather
32. Can the damage by exposure to noise over a long period of time be reversed?
  • Yes, with time
  • Yes, if you have an operation
  • No, the damage is permanent
  • Yes, if you change jobs
33. How can noise affect someone’s health? Give two examples
  • Headaches
  • Ear infections
  • Permanent hearing loss
  • Waxy ears
  • Dizziness and nausea
34. What is the significance of the weekly or daily personal noise exposure limit value of 87 decibels set out in the control of noise at work regulations?
  • All site personnel and visitors need to be warned if the noise level is being exceeded
  • Hearing protection needs to be provided upon request if the level is likely to be exceeded
  • The principal contractor must make sure everyone carries their hearing protection if this noise level is exceeded
  • Employers must ensure that their personnel are not exposed to noise above his level
35. If you need to wear disposable foam ear plugs how should you insert them so they protect your hearing from damage?
  • Soak them in water, squeeze them out and then insert them into your ear canal
  • Do not roll or fold them, and insert them halfway into your ear canal
  • Roll them up and insert them in as far as you can, while pulling the top of your ear pop to open up the ear canal
  • Fold them in half, pull on your earlobe and wedge them into your ear
36. What is the least reliable source of information when assessing the level of vibration from a powered percussive hand tool?
  • In use vibration measurement of the tool
  • Vibration figures taken from the tool manufacturers handbook
  • The judgement of the site manager based upon observation
  • Migration data from the health and safety executives master list
37. Which one of these is not a primary purpose of the asbestos survey?
  • To provide accurate information on the location, amount and condition of asbestos materials
  • To identify asbestos materials that need to be removed before demolition or refurbishment work
  • To assist in the management of any asbestos in a building
  • To estimate how much it would cost to remove any asbestos
38. What illness might a worker develop if they breathe in asbestos dust?
  • Aching muscles and painful joints
  • Throat infections
  • Lung diseases
  • Dizziness and headaches
39. When visiting site the contractor have said that they have found some asbestos. What is the first thing that should be done?
  • Stop work and get everyone out of the affected area
  • Take a sample to the site manager
  • Put it in the bin and carry on working
  • Find the first aider
40. How should cylinders containing liquefied petroleum gas(LPG) be stored on site?
  • In a locked cellar with clear warning signs
  • In a locked cage at least 3 m from any oxygen cylinders
  • Within a secure storage container at the back of the site
  • Covered in tarpaulin to shield the compressed cylinder from sunlight
41. Apart from the cylinders used in gas-powered forklift trucks, why should you never see liquid petroleum gas (LPG) cylinder placed on their side during use?
  • It would give a faulty reading on the contents gauge, resulting in Flashback
  • It could be drawn into the cylinder, creating a dangerous mixture of gases
  • Liquid gas would be too low a level to allow the torch to burn correctly
  • The liquid gas could be drawn from the cylinder, creating a safety hazard
42. What must all workers do under the regulations for manual handling?
  • Only exceed the ways identified in the risk assessment if they know they are capable of lifting them
  • Make a list of all the heavy things they have to carry
  • Lift any size load they feel comfortable with
  • All of the requirements of their employers safe systems of work
43. If manual lifting activities are part of a task, what must be carried out?
  • The lifting operations must be supervised
  • A risk assessment of the task must be carried out
  • Nothing, as it is part of some work operations to lift loads
  • Make sure someone watches while the load is lifted
44. You are in charge of a group of workers who are about to start on a new site. What could you do to help minimise manual handling?
  • Remind them not to do any manual handling
  • Hire in extra labour to carry the materials and equipment
  • Assess and agree with the site manager how the materials and equipment can be distributed close to the work place
  • Make sure the risk assessment has included your workers
45. Your workforce are lifting loads heavier than those recommended in the risk assessment. What should you do?
  • Find out how much they are lifting and change the risk assessment to this weight
  • Warn them but let them carry on
  • Let them carry on as no injuries have occurred
  • Stop them, find out why, agree a solution and amend risk assessment
46. When should tools and equipment be checked for damage?
  • Before each use
  • Every day
  • Once a week
  • At least once a year
47. What two main areas of Visual inspections should be carried out before each use of a power tool?
  • Check the carry case isn’t broken
  • Check the power lead, plug and casing are in good condition
  • Check the manufacturers label hasn’t come off
  • Check switches, triggers and guards are adjusted and work correctly
  • Check it is marked with a security stamp
48. What must an RCD residual current device used in conjunction with 230v electrical equipment?
  • It lowers the voltage
  • Good quickly cuts off the power if there is a fault
  • It makes the tall run at a safe speed
  • Energy and lowers costs
49. How could a site worker check if the RCD residual current device through which a 230 volt handle is connected to the supply is working correctly?
  • Switch the tool on and off
  • Press the test button on the RCD unit
  • Use a handheld RCD test meter
  • Run the tool at top speed to see if it cuts out
50. What colour should a 110 volt power cable and connector be?
  • Black
  • Red
  • Blue
  • Yellow
Congratulations you have completed your test
To book the test call 0844 682 0844 or visit 

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